AITA for cussing my parents out on Facebook?

Ok, so this story actually happened three years ago when I was 16. So it’s more of a “was I the asshole”, but I wanna know who you guys think was in the wrong. Anyways, it was the beginning of summer and I was spending a lotta time in my room alone with the door shut playing video games and doing, ya know stuff teenage boys do. Well my parents got tired of it and demanded that I keep open, unless I’m changing, or they would remove the door completely. Well, I got pissed because I did and still value my privacy as an introvert, especially, so I took to Facebook and said “my asshole fucking parents are making keep my fucking door open and they’re threatening to remove it. This is such fucking bullshit”, or something like that I can’t exactly remember what I said. I thought I had filtered it out so my family couldn’t see it, but I was wrong. My mom saw it and was absolutely furious with me. She said that if I ever did anything like that again, she would delete all my social medias permanently (not that she actually could have since they were tied to my own email). I wanna know was I the asshole? Am I the asshole?